Finding It

Finding It  - Cora Carmack

I headed into Cora Carmack’s Finding It expecting to love it, and I came out the other end of Cora Carmack’s Finding It with my expectations met.

I’m a big fan of this author and her quirky, contemporary world she’s created. We started out with Bliss meets Garrick in Losing It, which had me laughing at out at Bliss’s hilarious character, and we spend more time with them in Keeping Her. Following that was Cade’s story, Faking It, where he meets the somewhat troubled Max, and the fresh tone keeps the series fresh, and man, I fell in love with Cade. And now, in Finding It, we spend time with Bliss’s bestie Kelsey on her worldly travels as she heads in search of, well, herself.

Those travels of hers puts her in the path of one hot and hunky ex-soldier Hunt. Excuse me a moment whilst I pause to say ‘Yum’.

From the off, there is chemistry between this pair. In the slightest of eye contact, the attitudes they show one another, the small touches they share. And I loved that the one with the history of whore-hood was the female for a change—though, don’t condemn her yet; there is all too often a reason for why people (male and female) behave this way.

Despite Kelsey’s behaviour being the kind I despise having to witness in others, I still managed to connect with her from the off. In real life, I’d have probably been pretty appalled by her carryings-on, yet in the book I just found myself concerned for her, wanting to understand why she was behaving this way, wanting to figure out a way for her to not behave this way, and wanting her to find the happiness she was so obviously seeking.

When Hunt steps onto the scene, and almost successively steps up to the task of helping her in her hunt (<<see what I did there?), whilst portraying one chivalrous task after another, I see that first glimmer of hope for her—as does Kelsey herself once she admits what her subconscious is trying to tell her. And henceforth, we are taken on a journey in a new direction, one where we get to watch the developing relationship between Kelsey and Hunt.

About here, the story starts to get really interesting. Because that chemistry between them fights even harder for its place at the forefront—which is a place it deserves.

I guess I could complain about how long Ms Carmack keeps the reader waiting for what we know is surely to come, but I don’t think the book would have worked as well as it does had it been played a different way. Especially with the spanner thrown into the works that every romance author out there likes to toss at their characters once they’ve led them into a false sense of security.

Now, admittedly, I’d figured out the exact spanner size before we reached that point. Yes, I had suspicions—the reader is obviously supposed to—but I’d also worked out the smack-bang-up-yer-face of it, too. However, that didn’t mar my enjoyment one iota. This was still a totally rocking read—made even more rocking by the imaginative redemption of said spanner that drew this book to a sigh-worthy conclusion.

Yeah, yeah, I get I’m being obscure—but why would you want to know the entire plot from me when you’ll get so much more pleasure out of discovering it for yourself? Finding It is an awesomely sad yet witty book, filled with hope and self-condemnation, personal development and self-discovery, growing up, stepping up, and love lost and found, all wrapped up in a colourful and vibrant journey of places I’ve never visited but now would love to dearly. It’s now available to buy. I recommend you do so.