
Now we're talking. Now Monin has me standing to attention and eager to know more. And for the first time, I've reached the end of one of the Fever books without the next one to dive right into and it could not have happened at a worse point in the story, dammit.
I LOVED the pacing of this one. I'm now beginning to love Mac and all she's becoming. I don't really like to compare series, but the way the pace picks up throughout each book as well as the character likability, this was kinda reminds me of Rachel Vincent's Shifter series in that respect because I'd fallen in love with that one by the end, too. There were plenty of bits and pieces answered in here, although there were also plenty more questions tossed out that the reader needs to continue in order to find resolution for them. I'll admit at one point I did think she spent too long in the mirror realm--not too long in time, but in the descriptions--until the beasty thing turned up and I kinda liked him and spent way more time than I should have speculating about what/who he could be. With the ending, I'm now wondering again how close to the mark I was because I was definitely right in my assumption that there was more to the monster than the reader sees on the surface (awesome cliffhanger, btw!). I though her descriptions of 'him' were great--I had such a vivid image of him in my mind. I'm a little concerned about the Scottish dude, though--I like him and now I'm wondering if he'll just end up stuck in there again, or what's happening to him with the tat-takeover. Hopefully, that will be resolved by the end of the last book ... talking of last books, I don't have it--must rectify.