Hide & Seek

Some books? It’s just impossible to review them without sounding like a blathering imbecile. Most the time that happens to me, it’s because I’ve fallen hook, line and sinker for the main male character and still have starry eyes whilst trying to write my review.
Everyone has a favourite type of male character who’s their ultimate fictional guy. Tripp Fox is mine.
MINE, I say! *cough*
Anyway, Hide & Seek may not be due out for a little while, but I’m the lucky sucker who had an early sneak preview. This is one of those books I can read, read again, and then read again and still not be bored of Tripp (<<see a pattern emerging here?). I don’t even know what it is about him that has me sighing and crying and sighing and smiling and sighing and … you get the picture? It might be his slightly Alpha-male ways. Or his total romantic side that shows its face. Or it could be his abilities that have the potential to make an intimate relationship with this guy a little more exciting than … (that’s enough of that spoiler). Who knows? All I do know is Tripp Fox is my sort of man. 100%.
Tie him in with Lexi, who I actually wanted to win the guy (which is saying a lot considering how I feel about him), and this novel is a definite winner.
I’m not going to say too much, due to my hatred of spoilers–especially for works so new still to the world–but just know love must, can, will, and does conquer all.
For those who love a dose of PNR, but are looking for something other than supernatural creatures to give you a fix, then this just might be a decent choice for you.